“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”
I can really relate to Keller's quote. It really does have a lot of truth in it.
When one door closes it just means it wasn't meant for you. I like to think of it that way, i like to think that things happen for a reason and i don't like to question the reason because then i start going in circles trying to wonder why that door closed on me.
An example to this quote is like when you get to college.
We'll call this young man, Tyler.
Now, Tyler wants to pursue the criminal justice career and he's so excited and pumped up about it because he's gonna do what he wants and he's gonna be earning a lot of money. But then he realizes: "wait, i don't like this anymore im actually into cooking" well that door closed on him but the cooking door is open for him and even tho it took him time to see that door open now Tyler has a great job and it was all worth it in the end.
There comes a point in your life, where you realize what exactly you want to do with it; when all of a sudden those years of fog finally cleared up. but this happens when you have gone through the necessary in-order to get there. Who knows? Maybe you or that person have had to go through some hard changes, some hard stumbles or maybe not. Maybe, just maybe life can be a skate through the park with just some cracks on the sidewalk. It really just depends on you. on how you decide to live your life. Thats why i like this quote. because it gives me the opportunity to go beyond it's meaning because it doesn't just have one meaning; everyone has there own way at looking at things.

You can see it as a way of challenging yourself, or as a negative thing; but everything and where you are now is because of you and no one else. When you choose the right, usually that door won't close but if for some unforeseen reason it's closed on you, just keep peddling and believe you'll get a door open soon enough because you've worked hard and you deserve it :)
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