A few weeks/months ago it was raining, now it's so hot out; could it be? Yay it's summer!
What's so great about summer? Summer is the time of the year where you wake up and the sun is nice and out, there's hardly any clouds and it's so warm outside. I love summer, that's my favorite time of the year; I'm always happy and it's the perfect time to go to the beach, the park, water parks, and even have pool parties.
My favorite season is Summer, what's yours?
Let's Talk About Tattoos!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Era of the Cartoon Movies! :D
I love cartoon movies, they're funny, sweet and they usually always send a good moral Especially the 3-D/IMAX movies those are an awesome experience. Now let's survey! Which character is the best ?
Is it the miners from Despicable Me ?
The 3 chipmunks from Alvin and the Chipmunks ?
Or how about Russel from UP?
Or even Mr. Fredrickson from UP?
If the movie or character isn't up here let me know which one is your fav. (:
Mine is Dug the dog from UP ah I love that doggy<3
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
It's Grease!
Sandy & Danny!<3
I gotta say I NEVER get tired of watching this movie. I absolutely love the songs; (especially that one song You're The One That I Want<3) This movie came out in 1978 it's as old as dinosaurs! lol (exaggeration? yeah!) And some parts of the movie were filmed here at HPHS! :D You guys know the part where Sandy and Danny are dancing at a competition and then Cha Cha takes Danny away from Sandy? Well that gym they're dancing in is the big Gym :o Shocker ? I love this movie, what's your thought about it? Have you seen it? If so, did you like it? If not why ? And if you haven't watched it, when will you?!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Mondays :p

Who here hates Mondays with a passion?
It's the day after the weekend c'mon why should we come to school?!
I'm sure about all of us are on the same page, but we have to come to school and we have to think positive. Think of it this way: It's Monday and now you only have four days left of the week and i guarantee you your day will go by faster if you think in that positive way. If you think negative and you're so dramatic about it being Monday then your day will be bad and long. Point being; nobody likes Mondays but we have to work with what we got!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Can anybody say YouTube?!

There's millions and millions of videos on YouTube and as you're reading this many more are being uploaded. Whether its:
- Funny videos
- Tv shows
- People randomly recording themselves
- Crazy oranges talking
- Babies dancing
- Cartoons
- Scary mazes
- Slideshows
- Music videos
- Lyrics to any songs, really you find anything on YouTube!
I gotta say i have a lot of favorite videos from YouTube, for example the Fred videos (I love that kid's squeaky voice) a lot of people don't like him I don't understand why, the kid's a genius!
Another one of my favorites is the music video Somebody to Love by Justin Bieber ft. Usher (I know all of you are like 'omg he sings like a girl!' but I love the way they dance in that video the choreography is so cool).
I have so many favorite Youtube videos that i could write a whole list and this page will continue till forever but I won't do that. I already shared some of my favorites, now its your turn, what's yours? And why ? (:
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Random Survey!

What's something your parents do that embarrass or annoy you ?
Or what is your biggest pet peeve?
I know it annoys me when my mom tells me to do the laundry, I hate it! But I have to do it ):
My biggest pet peeve is when I'm walking and someone behind me steps on my shoe. Omg! Seriously I don't like it, I know they didn't do it on purpose (Some people do) but I still dislike it!
What's yours ?

We're all crazy about sports here at HP high now; whether It's basketball, soccer, volleyball, swimming, water polo, lacrosse, cheerleading, softball, baseball and how can i forget football for all the guys out there? We have that pride in the sport that we play; now:
What sport do you consider the best ?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
To all Juniors! Class of 2012!

We have two more years, or one if you don't count this one; left of high school !
It's a thrill to know we're almost seniors & yet a bummer that we don't have a lot of time left.
I remember as a freshman I thought "Ugh! Im stuck in this place for four years! It's gonna be hell" but now that I'm more involved and I've gotten to know more students & teachers here Im like "Wow this is almost over for me." Imagine how we're gonna feel next year ? Applying for college, getting jobs, buying our new cars and all that good stuff. I think we should give ourselves a pat in the back for making it this far. For not giving up & dropping out of school, because after all we are Academic Champions & we shall make it to graduation! :D
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